Let me be frank- Winter's Bone? Not for me.
Did I think it was a colossal waste of celluloid? Not at all, but i am struggling to see what caught everyones imagination. It must be the epitome of that cosmic truth, where if you are amongst the first people to see something unique, it'll stay special for you forever but if you're last to see it, then you wonder what all the guff was about? Sister to that cosmic truth is the one that says 'something classic is good whether you're first or last to see or hear it'. At the end of the film, i found it kinda maddening (not totally) that it had been so celebrated across the board. I guess people like a grim tale of want and desolation with a super-happy ending. (I'm not spoiling anything by saying that-trust me).
Like you don't already know, the story is that a teenage girl, who's already struggling to care for her mother, brother and sister, who has to find her sketchy father before the house he put up for bond, will be repossessed but either he doesn't want to be found or these yokel gangsters don't what him to be found...
I'm playing LA Noire at the moment and the protocol of both are very similar-interrogate successfully and you move further. Mis-step and you're back to the start. Apart from that, it like jug-whistle Dickens. It's basically a kidnapping investigation procedural with Hillbillies. It's like Tintin set in meth houses in the Appalachian Mountains.
Predominantly, I just don't get why Jennifer Lawrence got any of that (operative word) hype. She's by no means awful and she carries the film well but it didn't seem particularly awe-inspiring to me. She does a good job but i didn't feel like she was transcending the limits of acting or anything.
Legitimately amazing is John Hawkes as the shady Uncle with the hair-trigger temper. I've liked the guy in stuff for years. He's kinda like a Southern Steve Buscemi but he's almost unrecognisable in this film with his lean figure and meth'ed-out face. It's a significant transformation; add to that, he never has really played someone somewhere mean. It's pleasantly surprising to see and enjoy.
So Winter's Bone - not boring and fairly interesting and entertaining but to me... a big smelly hot bubble of hype...
I watched Winter's Bone (2009) on DVD, via LoveFilm.
My 2011 in Movies will return with Violent Cop (1989)...

Did I think it was a colossal waste of celluloid? Not at all, but i am struggling to see what caught everyones imagination. It must be the epitome of that cosmic truth, where if you are amongst the first people to see something unique, it'll stay special for you forever but if you're last to see it, then you wonder what all the guff was about? Sister to that cosmic truth is the one that says 'something classic is good whether you're first or last to see or hear it'. At the end of the film, i found it kinda maddening (not totally) that it had been so celebrated across the board. I guess people like a grim tale of want and desolation with a super-happy ending. (I'm not spoiling anything by saying that-trust me).
Like you don't already know, the story is that a teenage girl, who's already struggling to care for her mother, brother and sister, who has to find her sketchy father before the house he put up for bond, will be repossessed but either he doesn't want to be found or these yokel gangsters don't what him to be found...
I'm playing LA Noire at the moment and the protocol of both are very similar-interrogate successfully and you move further. Mis-step and you're back to the start. Apart from that, it like jug-whistle Dickens. It's basically a kidnapping investigation procedural with Hillbillies. It's like Tintin set in meth houses in the Appalachian Mountains.
Predominantly, I just don't get why Jennifer Lawrence got any of that (operative word) hype. She's by no means awful and she carries the film well but it didn't seem particularly awe-inspiring to me. She does a good job but i didn't feel like she was transcending the limits of acting or anything.
Legitimately amazing is John Hawkes as the shady Uncle with the hair-trigger temper. I've liked the guy in stuff for years. He's kinda like a Southern Steve Buscemi but he's almost unrecognisable in this film with his lean figure and meth'ed-out face. It's a significant transformation; add to that, he never has really played someone somewhere mean. It's pleasantly surprising to see and enjoy.
So Winter's Bone - not boring and fairly interesting and entertaining but to me... a big smelly hot bubble of hype...
I watched Winter's Bone (2009) on DVD, via LoveFilm.
My 2011 in Movies will return with Violent Cop (1989)...
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