If you're wondering why I'm watching, Game Of Death- a Wesley Snipes vehicle- Yeah- it's a Wesley Snipes vehicle. 'Game Of Death' could be anything couldn't it? any number of films are called that. Maddening.
Anyway, if you're wondering why I'm watching Game Of Death, it's not any masochistic need to watch DTV tut or curiosity about what Snipes does to pay a tax bill these days. (Is he/was he in jail?... certainly a jail marked 'Self-Loathing, Emotional Limbo and Creative Unfulfillment' no doubt or Blade 3 - ZING!)
No, my main draw to this film was Zoe Bell, the super-woman/stunt icon, most famous for playing herself in Tarantino's Death Proof. She has such a magnetic personality; this was apparent in the documentary on female stuntwomen, Double Dare but i suppose Hollywood isn't THAT liberal and isn't ready for a total ass-kicking femme like Bell. So she has to make tut like this.
I wasn't expecting to be blown away- I don't usually watch these sort DTV Seagal/Lundgren/Van Rammed sorta fare but i thought it would have moments of vicariously enjoyment. I know these are low budget efforts but shouldn't that make you want to build on more creative/ idiosyncratic elements like writing and visuals?
Well more fool me, for wanting to give a Wesley Snipes film a shot. This was boring. BORING. Action films by their very nature have to be exciting, engaging and/or thrilling. This film never gets out of 1st year and actually, it's more like someone having a anxiety attack in the driveway.
I'd love to tell you what the story of this film is, but I couldn't tell you there's a doublecross thing where everybody in Snipes team have turned on him or something. It is ACTUALLY confusing because his team are meant to conduct assassinations but the rogue people keep threatening to kill the bad-guy from License To Kill, and you think 'wait-don't you want him dead? Why doesn't Wesley just egg them on?'
It's mostly set in a hospital, people are running around with guns like it's a work team-building paintball day, and they get shot a bit-hang on, I just read that back and i'm making it sound relatively exciting - Don't.. It's not.
There comes the point where Ernie Hudson pops in and you think, 'great, the guy from Ghostbusters'- he's not around for long.
I'll say that Zoe gets to be bad and she's watchable; that's alright but that's the only polite diplomatic thing I can tell you.
It's not even 'stupid or kisch' bad. It's like 90mins of Wesley Snipes creeping around a ward, like dosed inmate who's stolen a doctor's coat.
AGAIN i'm making it sound vaguely interesting. I'd suggest you please stay away but, you already know better to try didn't you...
I watched Game Of Death (2010) on BluRay, via LoveFilm.
My 2011 in Movies will return with 13 Assassins (2010)...
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