No, Thomas Harris hasn't written a barrel-scrapping origin story of another of his human-recycling serial killers, the only one scrapping barrels is me. And The Rock. And Steve Merchant. And Julie-look everyone involved was probably well-recompensated except me.
What horrified me most was that it wasn't as offensive as i thought it would be...
I don't know why action stars do this sort of family-movie type tut. They're ostrisizing the exact people that made them -males, 18-30. I guess they might insinuate that, they're trying to broaden their acting 'range' but if that was the case, do tv. It'll be a pay cut but at least it'll be well written. Don't get me wrong, I like Dwayne Johnson; i think he's a great comedy actor with a strong sense of self-awareness but why Rock, why!? That peaked my curiosity as well as the inclusion of Stephen Merchant. They must have offered him so much money he had to accept or enough money to think it had to be worth going for. Same with Julie Andrews.
The story is identikit to most of its predecessors; grumpy dink has to change his ways via a silly fantasy macguffin or he'll lose his family and he learns life lessons along the way and right at the end, he has to make a choice between money and running to a school to see some cute kid do something pertaining to aforementioned cuteness.
BUT as i say amazing this film wasn't the disproportionate abortionate confection I suspected it might be. It's no Citizen Kane but no Martin Lawrence movie either. The Rock is good at some of the comedy stuff, not so hot on the mandatory melancholic /heart-warming moments though his part is wholly forgettable, which is serves both him and the audience. Merchant is obviously solid on the comedy and equally good at acting the melancholic moments, which is an unexpected surprise and he and Johnson make for a good double act. But Julie Andrews should know better. It's seriously disconcerting to see someone of her stature peeing her credibility away but then she's Julie freakin Andrews- she's got more credibility stored then she could ever spend. Billy Crystal pops in for a few also. I didn't realise Billy Crystal was the sort of comedic elder statesman who could just walk in and out of films willie-nillie like he was Steve Martin or Cleese. Billy Crystal, i respect you but what have you done for me lately? Ashley Judd comes thru to play 'age-appropriate love interest'. There was a time (late 90's), where she was neo-Con totty, like an M&S by which i mean, S&M Sandra Bullock but now she looks pregnant constipated all the time. She looks like she stumbled on the wrong set from a NCIS guest spot, in a Milupa stupor.
I shouldn't be doing movies like this on the blog but i haven't watched a movie just to pick on for ages and it's fun!
This movie is the equivalent of bad white wine- I'll politely drink and then be bemoaning it cos I'm drunk but wasn't that the point in the first place?
I watched Tooth Fairy (2010) on the missus's swanky Sky Movies Premiere.
My 2011 in Movies will return with On Tour (2010)...
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