Monday, April 18, 2011

I'm Still Here (2010)

On my blog, I try to make each day about something completely different to the day before. I can say that unequivocally, I'm Still Here is completely opposite to the Peter Sellers movie from yesterday. I almost went to pains to illustrate that Sellers was a man with a strong sense of self, that he hid in characters and impressions. Joaquin Phoenix on the other hand is a actor whose personality is so much a part of all the parts he plays, like him in Signs isn't such a jump from him in Gladiator. Maybe. My point is that he never really mixed it up that much- he always played troubled young men. So the idea of him playing a vastly over-the-top version of himself is mixed blessing.
Because he is so terrible and broad in trying to act as this monster-version of himself - it's distracting but then he's never really worked and challenged himself like he's done here. Like playing a beloved legend in Walk The Line would have been a cake walk compared to this. and he really deserves credit for that. It's like when your favourite musician(s) bring out some shit that's too leftfield (probably acustic or folk...) for your taste and you have to write it off as artistic growth. Hmmph.
In the parlence of my blog's spiritual godfather, Nathan Rabin and his Year Of Flops- I'm Still Here is very much a Fiasco, as opposed to a Failure or Secret Success; it verges of the latter 2 but is very much a creative fiasco because it's full of good ideas and thesis but the Joaquin Phoenix character is so wrought with broad characteristics, it's exhausting to watch. His guy is like schulbby hybrid of Zack Gilifinakis and Jonah Hill- this obnoxious stoned beardo with no sense of self. He's horrible to the people around him, he spouts shit and takes no craft in making the rap music he professes to wants to make. Now to outsiders, that might seem perfectly reasonable for a successful actor to be expected to be like but he and director/co-writer Casey Affleck are so intent of reminding you every minute, it's exasperating!
The story of Phoenix giving up acting to rapidly is one we're all versed-in. We're watching this to find out what the behind the scenes story was and they think we're interested in what it would be like if Joaquin Phoenix was a dick. Well... i already saw the news and internet videos that you passively orchestrated so I know what that would be like. I think if you're still interested in this story after the YouTube clips end, you'd be much more interested in seeing how you captivate the world with a prank on such an epic scale. But no, Phoenix and Affleck want to make their comedy story which is parts Sacha Baron Cohen and Curb Your Enthusiasm but not quite as funny.
I'm generally conflicted about a lot of what I watch and am more then happy to overthink the likes of Sucker Punch and I'm certain that I'm Still Here is very original... it's just that it's not at all consistent or we'll made...

I watched I'm Still Here (2010), on DVD via LoveFilm.
My 2011 in Movies will return with Gainsborough (2010)...

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